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Alumna Works in Digital Marketing at OUAI Haircare

Beauty Marketing & Product Development Alumna Sara Boyette is the Digital Marketing Coordinator at Los Angeles-based OUAI Haircare, founded by Jen Atkin who is best friends with Kim Kardashian. Sara was hired at OUAI soon after the company was launched three years ago, and has been part of their tremendous success.

Tell us a little about yourself: I’ve been addicted to beauty from as far back as I can remember. Kevyn Aucoin and Bobbi Brown books were my equivalent to watching YouTube tutorials. When I’m not spending my time browsing the aisles of Sephora I also like to cook and play tennis with my husband.
Describe what you do for OUAI: I help manage and support the ecommerce business and digital marketing initiatives, which means I make sure the website is running smoothly and if there are issues to address I troubleshoot and find a solution. I manage the products on the site which entails everything from setting up new products to updating current products and managing inventory. I am also responsible for setting up our email marketing campaigns and keeping the website up-to-date with current marketing initiatives.
What propelled you to pursue a position at OUAI? I was at a point in my previous job where I was ready for a change. I was made aware of a position at OUAI and felt like it was the perfect timing. It was exciting to start at a company that barely just launched. I’ve been here practically from the beginning and it’s crazy to see how much we have grown in such a short amount of time.
What's the best thing about working for a company with such a big social media presence, especially one founded by Jen Atkin? The way we can connect and engage with everyone around the world. Jen is a social media pioneer. She embraced social media early on and is very active engaging her followers.
What's your favorite OUAI product: It’s really hard to choose just one product but right now I’m loving the Scalp & Body Scrub. It leaves my skin incredibly soft and cleanses my scalp. I also love the Hair Oil it smoothes frizz especially in the winter months and give my hair a nice shine.
How do you feel FIDM prepared you for what you are doing now? FIDM has helped me immensely with my career. The group projects helped me prepare for a job in the real world. Everyone has a different personality and a certain way of doing things and you learned by working with your peers and seeing everyone’s perspective on a project.
FIDM also helped me with networking. You have to leave a good impression—you never know when you will see that person again. I always say the beauty industry is large yet so small. You never know who you will work with again or run into at an event. Networking has also helped me get job interviews and even jobs.

Why is now an ideal time in the beauty industry to pursue a career in beauty? Now is the perfect time to purse a career because the industry keeps growing. So much has changed since I graduated almost ten years ago. The evolution of social media has helped the industry tremendously in growth and I don’t see it stopping any time soon.
What is your biggest goal right now? My biggest goal right now is embracing new opportunities and stepping out of my comfort zone.
Anything else you’d like to share? Say yes to any opportunities that arise. You’ll never know what will emerge from it and who you will meet along the way.

Categories:  Beauty Marketing & Product Development Los Angeles Campus